
Changing Beliefs in Government Propaganda about the War (May 28, 2024)

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How have Russian beliefs in the govt's propaganda narratives about Ukraine and the war changed over time? Our data suggest that belief that Ukrainian leaders are Nazis has declined over time, but there's been little change in beliefs about NATO/ Western involvement in the war.

The figures above show the share of our respondents who agree with the following statements: (1) "The majority of Ukrainian leaders are Nazis"; and (2) "The special military operation is primarily a conflict between Russia and the West".

Respondents could select an answer on a 4-point scale ranging from "strongly agree" to "strongly disagree." We combined the strongly/somewhat agree and disagree for these plots, and removed the DK/NAs, which have been fairly stable over time.

Note that unlike many other figs we've posted, the data shown here are weighted by age, gender, education, and federal district. But the trends look similar before and after weighting.

It would be interesting to know whether our results correlate with the frequency with which these topics are discussed on state TV and other media platforms.

See the original Tweet here.

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